Saturday, April 9, 2011

Pouring at the Bay Area Craft Beer Festival

Today I got to spend the afternoon tasting some excellent craft beers and pouring Club DOZE homebrew, including my own Saison, for the public at the Bay Area Craft Beer Festival.

Following the good reception given a homebrew tasting booth at another recent festival, DOZE was invited to share its members' homebrews at this iteration of the Craft Beer Festival.

It was great time, and our booth was one of the more popular ones, with many repeat visitors looking to taste our varied offerings.

A curiosity of the event was that Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Enforcement regulations limited us to pouring into small plastic cups, even if someone tried to hand us their festival-issued glassware.  I expect that it was that as homebrewers we were not licensed to dispense beer to the public, thus we could not "serve" beer but only offer folks  a 2-3 oz. "tasting" sample.

Even so, by a bit past halfway through the event we finished off my keg of Saison and three others, and by the end of it we had drained fourteen corny kegs of homebrew!

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